AKSA / AKSA ENERJİ Aksa and Sharz.net: Powering the Future through Partnership

AYDEM / OTOWATT Aydem and Sharz.net: Empowering the Future through Partnership

DOĞUŞ OTOMOTİV / D-POWER Doğuş Otomotiv, one of Turkey's leading automotive distributors, is partnering with the software and technology leader Sharz.net for a groundbreaking collaboration in the field of mobility. This alliance brings together two industry leaders specializing in software, electric vehicle charging station installation, Home Charging, and Destination Charging.

TÜRK TELEKOM / E4 ŞARJ Turk Telekom and Sharz.net: The Power Alliance of Unlimited Communication and Innovation

MİGROS / MİGGO Migros and Sharz.net: Partnership Empowering the Future

TÜVTÜRK TÜVTÜRK and Sharz.net: Powering the Future Partnership

EKSİM / OTOPRİZ Eksim, one of Turkey's leading energy solutions providers, and the software and technology leader Sharz.net are joining forces to shape the future of sustainable energy and electric vehicle charging infrastructure. This collaboration brings together two industry leaders specializing in software, hardware, and electric vehicle charging station installation.

ÜÇAY ENGINEERING / ELARİS Üçay Engineering, one of Turkey's leading companies in the engineering services sector with a rich range of services, and the software and technology leader Sharz.net, are joining forces to build the future of sustainable energy and electric vehicle charging infrastructure together. This collaboration brings together two industry leaders specializing in software, hardware, and electric vehicle charging station installations.

ENERJİ PETROL / ENERJİK Enerji Petrol and Sharz.net: Partnership Empowering the Future

ER ELEKTRONİK / GELDOL Er Electronics and Sharz.net: Partnership Empowering the Future.

BORLEASE / ESTASYON Borlease and Sharz.net: Partnership Empowering the Future

FORSEL Forsel and Sharz.net: Partnership Empowering the Future

GREENWATT / GWESI Greenwatt and Sharz.net: Partnership Empowering the Future

HALICA / ŞARJSTOP Halica and Sharz.net: Partnership Empowering the Future

INCHARGE Incharge and Sharz.net: Partnership Empowering the Future

POWER ELEKTRONİK Power Electronics and Sharz.net: Partnership for Empowering the Future

RENAULT Renault and Sharz.net: Building the Future of Mobility Together

HUNAT ENERJİ Hunat Energy and Sharz.net: The Power Alliance of Unlimited Communication and Innovation.

AYHAN TEKNOLOJİ / AOS TECHNOLOGY Ayhan Technology and Sharz.net: Powering the Future Together Partnership.

RS ŞARJ RS Charge and Sharz.net: Empowering the Future Together Partnership.

INCHARGE KIBRIS Incharge Cyprus, one of the leading energy companies in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, has joined forces with the software solutions leader Sharz.net to build the future. This partnership represents a collaboration of unlimited communication and innovation power.

ENAR TAXI AZERBAYCAN Enar Taxi, one of Azerbaijan's leading fleet companies, has joined forces with the software solutions leader Sharz.net to build the future. This partnership represents a collaboration of unlimited communication and innovation power.